HW 05 - Project proposal

Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

This week you’ll be working on your project proposal. The main difference of this homework from others is that you’re working in teams in a single team repo.

Instructions for what is expected for the full project, and specifically for the proposal can be found here.

RStudio Cloud

We will continue to use RStudio Cloud on this assignment. You can access the course RStudio Cloud workspace here.

Note: You can also go to rstudio.cloud and log on. However it’s important that then you navigate to the course workspace (it should be listed as IDS - Fall 2019) on the left menu. If you are in the correct workspace, your top bar should look like the following:

And if you are not, once you get started on your work you will see a message about packages you need not being installed. This should prompt you to navigate to the course workspace, and continue your work there.

Once you’re in the workspace click on the Projects tab on top, and create a New project from Git Repo.

Then, copy and paste the URL of your repo, as you do each time. This will clone the repo and get you started with your assignment.

Finally, introduce yourself to Git once again (you will need to do this once per assignment on RStudio Cloud). Run the following, with replacing "Your Name" with your real name and last name, and "your.email@address.com" with the email address you used for GitHub.

use_git_config(user.name = "Your Name", 
               user.email = "your.email@address.com")