HW 06 - Money in US politics

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Every election cycle brings its own brand of excitement – and lots of money. Political donations are of particular interest to political scientists and other researchers studying politics and voting patterns. They are also of interest to citizens who want to stay informed of how much money their candidates raise and where that money comes from.

In the United States, “only American citizens (and immigrants with green cards) can contribute to federal politics, but the American divisions of foreign companies can form political action committees (PACs) and collect contributions from their American employees.”1 Source: Open Secrets - Foreign Connected PACs.

In this assignment we will scrape and work with data foreign connected PACs that donate to US political campaigns. First, we will get data foreign connected PAC contributions in the 2020 election cycle. Then, you will use a similar approach to get data such contributions from previous years so that we can examine trends over time.

In order to complete this assignment you will need a Chrome browser with the Selector Gadget extension installed.

Getting started

By now you should be familiar with instructions for getting started with a new assignment in RStudio Cloud and setting up your git configuration. If not, you can refer to one of the earlier assignments.


In this assignment we will work with the following packaes. They should already be installed in your project, and you can load them with the following:


Data collection via web scraping

The data come from OpenSecrets.org, a “website tracking the influence of money on U.S. politics, and how that money affects policy and citizens’ lives”. This website is hosted by The Center for Responsive Politics, which is a nonpartisan, independent nonprofit that “tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy.”2 Source: Open Secrets - About.

Before getting started, let’s check that a bot has permissions to access pages on this domain.

## [1] TRUE

2020 Foreign-connected PAC contributions

The goal of this exercise is scrape the data from a page that looks like the the page shown above, and save it as a data frame that looks like the data frame shown below.

Since the data are already formatted as a table, we can use the html_table() function to extract it out of the page. Note that this function has some useful arguments like header (to indicate whether the first row of the table should be used as header) and fill (to indicate whether rows with fewer than the maximum number of columns shuld be filled with NA).

Complete the following set of steps in the 01-scrape-pac-2020.R file in the scripts folder of your repository. This file already contains some starter code to help you out.

Hint: Take a look at the help for the rename() function to determine whether these new variable names need to be quoted or not.

Hint: You already know what these numbers should be!

  1. In your R Markdown document, load pac-2020.csv and report its number of observations and variables using inline code.


You can probably guess where we’re headed: we’ll ultimately scrape data for contributions in all election years Open Secrets has data for. Since that means repeating a task many times, let’s first write a function that works on the first page. Confirm it works on a few others. Then iterate it over pages for all years.

Complete the following set of steps in the 02-scrape-pac-function.R file in the scripts folder of your repository. This file already contains some starter code to help you out.

  1. In your R Markdown file, load these three data frames and report each of their numbers of observations and variables using inline code.

Foreign-connected PAC contributions for all years

Our final task in data scraping is to map the scrape_pac() function over a list of all URLs of web pages containing information on foreign-connected PAC contributions for each year.

Go back to the URLs you defined in the previous exercise, what pattern emerges? They each have the following form:

Complete the following set of steps in the 03-scrape-pac-all.R file in the scripts folder of your repository. This file already contains some starter code to help you out.

  1. In your R Markdown file, load pac-all.csv and report its number of observations and variables using inline code.

✅ ⬆️ If you haven’t yet done so, now is definitely a good time to commit and push your changes to GitHub with an appropriate commit message (e.g. “Data scraping complete”). Make sure to commit and push all changed files so that your Git pane is cleared up afterwards.

Data cleaning

In this section we clean the pac_all data frame to prepare it for analysis and visualization. We have two goals in data cleaning:

Exercises 4 and 5 walk you through how to make these fixes to the data.

  1. Use the separate() function to separate country_parent into country and parent columns. Note that country and parent company names are separated by \ (which will need to be specified in your function) and also note that there are some entries where the \ sign appears twice and in these cases we want to only split the value at the first occurrence of \. This can be accomplished by setting the extra argument in to "merge" so that the cell is split into only 2 segments, e.g. we want "Denmark/Novo Nordisk A/S" to be split into "Denmark" and "Novo Nordisk A/S". (See help for separate() for more on this.)

  2. Remove the character strings including $ and , signs in the total, dems, and repubs columns and convert these columns to numeric. Few hints to help you out:

Data visualization

  1. Create a line plot of total contributions from all foreign-connected PACs in the UK and Canada over the years. Once you have made the plot, write a brief interpretation of what the graph reveals. Make sure to comment on the dip at 2020. Few hints to help you out:

Next, we will walk you through creating the following visualization for contributions from UK-connected PACs to Democratic and Republican parties.

First, we need to filter the data for UK contributions as well as years only up to 2018:

pac_all %>%
    country == "UK",
    year < 2020
## # A tibble: 480 x 7
##    name                     country parent        total   dems repubs  year
##    <chr>                    <chr>   <chr>         <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 AE Staley Manufacturing… UK      Tate & Lyle   30500   3500  27000  1998
##  2 Allied Domecq Spirits &… UK      Allied Dome…  39500  11000  28500  1998
##  3 Bacardi Corp             UK      Bacardi Ltd       0      0      0  1998
##  4 Bacardi-Martini USA      UK      Bacardi Ltd    8500   3500   5000  1998
##  5 Blue Circle America      UK      Blue Circle…  31850   2250  29600  1998
##  6 BOC Group                UK      BOC Group         0      0      0  1998
##  7 BP America               UK      British Pet… 122361  31250  91111  1998
##  8 Brown & Williamson Toba… UK      BAT Industr… 350821  90000 260821  1998
##  9 GEC-Marconi Electronic … UK      General Ele…  27600  10600  17000  1998
## 10 Glaxo Wellcome Inc       UK      Glaxo Wellc… 406001 110825 295176  1998
## # … with 470 more rows

Next, we need to calculate total contributions to Democratic and Republican parties from all UK-connected PACs each year. This requires a group_by() and summarise() step:

pac_all %>%
    country == "UK",
    year < 2020
    ) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
    Democrat = sum(dems),
    Republican = sum(repubs)
## # A tibble: 11 x 3
##     year Democrat Republican
##    <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1  1998   700573    1424749
##  2  2000   918675    1980734
##  3  2002   918441    1851117
##  4  2004  1110927    2120354
##  5  2006  1379325    2786836
##  6  2008  2527063    2708656
##  7  2010  3042712    2631339
##  8  2012  2341463    3505218
##  9  2014  2296674    3402617
## 10  2016  1898431    3299598
## 11  2018  1984990    3707092

This results in a 11x3 tibble (11 years, and a column each for year, total contributions in that year to the Democratic party, and total contributions in that year to the Republican party). Ultimately we want to color the lines by party though, and this requires our data to be formatted a little differently:

## # A tibble: 22 x 3
##     year party       amount
##    <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
##  1  1998 Democrat    700573
##  2  1998 Republican 1424749
##  3  2000 Democrat    918675
##  4  2000 Republican 1980734
##  5  2002 Democrat    918441
##  6  2002 Republican 1851117
##  7  2004 Democrat   1110927
##  8  2004 Republican 2120354
##  9  2006 Democrat   1379325
## 10  2006 Republican 2786836
## # … with 12 more rows

Note that now we have two rows per year, one for contributions to the Democratic party and the other for the Republican. The contribution amounts are not stored in a new column called amount and the party information is no longer spread across two columns, but appears in a single column called party. We can achieve this by pivoting our data to be longer (going from 11 to 22 rows):

pac_all %>%
    country == "UK",
    year < 2020
    ) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
    Democrat = sum(dems),
    Republican = sum(repubs)
  ) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(Democrat, Republican), names_to = "party", values_to = "amount") 

And finally we are ready to visualize!

  1. In this exercise we ask you to build on the plot we constructed above to make it a little more visually applealing. The desired outcome is shown below, and it’s your job to get from where we left things off above to this outcome by adding more layers to your plot. Hint: You will need to make use of some functions from the scales package for axis labels as well as from ggplot2. Remember, if you can’t figure out certain bits, you can always ask on Piazza!

✅ ⬆️ Now is definitely a good time to knit your document, and commit and push your changes to GitHub with an appropriate commit message (e.g. “Data visualization complete”). Make sure to commit and push all changed files so that your Git pane is cleared up afterwards.