Lab 07 - Modeling course evaluations, Pt. 1

Single predictor

Learning goals:
+ Calculating row-level summaries within a data frame
+ Fitting simple linear regression models
+ Interpreting simple linear regression models
+ Visualizing simple linear regression models

Many college courses conclude by giving students the opportunity to evaluate the course and the instructor anonymously. However, the use of these student evaluations as an indicator of course quality and teaching effectiveness is often criticized because these measures may reflect the influence of non-teaching related characteristics, such as the physical appearance of the instructor.

The article titled, “Beauty in the classroom: instructors’ pulchritude and putative pedagogical productivity” (Hamermesh and Parker, 2005) found that instructors who are viewed to be better looking receive higher instructional ratings.1 Daniel S. Hamermesh, Amy Parker, Beauty in the classroom: instructors pulchritude and putative pedagogical productivity, Economics of Education Review, Volume 24, Issue 4, August 2005, Pages 369-376, ISSN 0272-7757, 10.1016/j.econedurev.2004.07.013.

The data were gathered from end of semester student evaluations for a large sample of professors from the University of Texas at Austin. In addition, six students rated the professors’ physical appearance. (This is a slightly modified version of the original data set that was released as part of the replication data for Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models (Gelman and Hill, 2007).) The result is a data frame where each row contains a different course and columns represent variables about the courses and professors.

The variables in the data and their descriptions are as follows:

Variable name Description
score Average professor evaluation score: (1) very unsatisfactory - (5) excellent
rank Rank of professor: teaching, tenure track, tenure
ethnicity Ethnicity of professor: not minority, minority
gender Gender of professor: female, male
language Language of school where professor received education: english or non-english
age Age of professor
cls_perc_eval Percent of students in class who completed evaluation
cls_did_eval Number of students in class who completed evaluation
cls_students Total number of students in class
cls_level Class level: lower, upper
cls_profs Number of professors teaching sections in course in sample: single, multiple
cls_credits Number of credits of class: one credit (lab, PE, etc.), multi credit
bty_f1lower Beauty rating of professor from lower level female: (1) lowest - (10) highest
bty_f1upper Beauty rating of professor from upper level female: (1) lowest - (10) highest
bty_f2upper Beauty rating of professor from upper level female: (1) lowest - (10) highest
bty_m1lower Beauty rating of professor from lower level male: (1) lowest - (10) highest
bty_m1upper Beauty rating of professor from upper level male: (1) lowest - (10) highest
bty_m2upper Beauty rating of professor from upper level male: (1) lowest - (10) highest

In this week’s workshop you will analyze the data from this study in order to start exploring what goes into a positive professor evaluation.

Getting started

Clone your repo

You can find your team assignment for the rest of the semester here.

Go to the course GitHub organization and locate your Lab 06 repo, which should be named lab-07-model-course-evals-YOUR_TEAMNAME. Grab the URL of the repo, and clone it in RStudio Cloud.

Introduce yourself to Git

Your email address is the address tied to your GitHub account and your name should be first and last name.

Run the following (but update it for your name and email!) in the Console to configure Git:

Download the data

In this lab you will first download the data, then upload it to the data/ folder in your RStudio Cloud project.

Then, you can load the data as usual using the following.

Load packages

We will use the following packages in this analysis:

Part 1: Data Manipulation

  1. Create a new variable called bty_avg that is the average attractiveness score of the six students for each professor (bty_f1lower through bty_m2upper). Add this new variable to the evals data frame. Do this in one pipe, using the rowMeans() function within a mutate().
evals <- evals %>% 
  mutate(bty_avg = rowMeans(select(., bty_f1lower:bty_m2upper)))

Let’s pause for a second to see what is happening in this piece of code. We are mutating the evals data frame by adding a new variable, bty_avg, that is calculated as the mean of the columns titled bty_f1lower through bty_m2upper in the evals data frame (denoted with a . here).

Part 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

  1. Visualize the distribution of score. Is the distribution skewed? What does that tell you about how students rate courses? Is this what you expected to see? Why, or why not? Include any summary statistics and visualizations you use in your response.

  2. Visualize and describe the relationship between score and the new variable you created, bty_avg.

Hint: See the help page for the function at

  1. Replot the scatterplot from Exercise 3, but this time use geom_jitter()? What does “jitter” mean? What was misleading about the initial scatterplot?

Part 3: Linear regression with a numerical predictor

Linear model is in the form \(\hat{y} = b_0 + b_1 x\).

  1. Let’s see if the apparent trend in the plot is something more than natural variation. Fit a linear model called m_bty to predict average professor evaluation score by average beauty rating (bty_avg). Based on the regression output, which you can obtain with tidy(m_bty), write the linear model.

  2. Replot your visualization from Exercise 3, and add the regression line to this plot in orange color. Turn off the shading for the uncertainty of the line.

  3. Interpret the slope of the linear model in context of the data.

  4. Interpret the intercept of the linear model in context of the data. Comment on whether or not the intercept makes sense in this context.

Refer back to this week’s reading if you don’t remember what \(R^2\) means.

  1. Determine the \(R^2\) of the model and interpret it in context of the data. You can obtain this value with glance(m_bty).

Part 4: Linear regression with a categorical predictor

  1. Fit a new linear model called m_gen to predict average professor evaluation score based on gender of the professor. Based on the regression output, write the linear model and interpret the slope and intercept in context of the data.

  2. What is the equation of the line corresponding to male professors? What is it for female professors?

  3. Fit a new linear model called m_rank to predict average professor evaluation score based on rank of the professor. Based on the regression output, write the linear model and interpret the slopes and intercept in context of the data.

Refer to the forcats package for changing the order of levels.

  1. Create a new variable called rank_relevel where "tenure track" is the baseline level.

  2. Fit a new linear model called m_rank_relevel to predict average professor evaluation score based on rank_relevel of the professor. This is the new (releveled) variable you created in Exercise 13. Based on the regression output, write the linear model and interpret the slopes and intercept in context of the data. Also determine and interpret the \(R^2\) of the model.