Week 5 - Extracting meaning from data

Extracting meaning from data and effective communication of results :speech_bubble:


Lec 09 Scientific studies and confounding
Lab 05 Simpson’s paradox Due: Fri, 18 Oct, 17:00
Lec 10 Communicating data science results effectively
HW 05 Project proposal Due: Wed, 23 Oct, 17:00
RT 05 No interactive tutorial this week
OQ 05 Coding best practices Due: Fri, 25 Oct, 17:00


πŸ“– R4DS: Chp 7, Exploratory Data Analysis Required
πŸ“– OS: Chp 1, Sec 1.3 and 1.4 Required
πŸ“– R4DS: Chp 14, Strings, Sec 14.1 and 14.2 Required
πŸ“– R4DS: Chp 15, Factors Required


πŸ”˜ Mid-semester feedback (anonymous) Due: Fri, 18 Oct, 17:00