class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Model selection
⛏ ### Dr. Çetinkaya-Rundel --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> Dr. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel - <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </span> </div> --- ## Announcements - Student hours: - Tuesdays - 14:30 - 15:30 at JCMB 2257 - Wednesdays - 14:30 - 15:30 online at []( - Until 26 Nov 2019 - Peer evaluations: round 2 due Tue 12 Nov at 17:00 (tomorrow) - Project proposal revisions (optional): due today Mon 11 Nov at 17:00 (tomorrow) --- ## From last time - Model selection follows Occam's Razor: among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. - We use adjusted R-squared to compare the strength of fit of models (as opposed to R-squared) since adjusted R-squared applies a penalty for additional variables included in the model, and only goes up if the predictive contribition of an additional explanatory variable is higher than the penalty it brings along. --- class: center, middle # Model selection --- ## Backwards elimination - Start with **full** model (including all candidate explanatory variables and all candidate interactions) - Remove one variable at a time, record the adjusted R-squared for each of the resulting models, and selected the model with the highest adjusted R-squared - Continue until adjusted R-squared does not increase --- ## Forward selection - Start with **empty** model - Add one variable (or interaction effect) at a time, record the adjusted R-squared for each of the resulting models, and select the model with the highest adjusted R-squared - Continue until adjusted R-squared does not increase --- class: center, middle # Predicting professor evaluation scores --- ## Data load & prep ```r evals <- read_csv("data/evals-mod.csv") ``` ```r evals <- evals %>% mutate(bty_avg = rowMeans(select(., bty_f1lower:bty_m2upper))) ``` --- ## Starting small: score ~ cls_did_eval + cls_students + cls_perc_eval .question[ What percent of the variability in evaluation scores is explained by the model? ] ```r full_model <- lm(score ~ cls_did_eval + cls_students + cls_perc_eval, data = evals) glance(full_model)$r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.04463827 ``` ```r glance(full_model)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.03839408 ``` --- ```r library(GGally) evals %>% select(score, cls_did_eval, cls_students, cls_perc_eval) %>% ggpairs() ``` <img src="w9_d1-model-selection_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" width="2100" /> --- .question[ Suppose we definitely want to keep `cls_did_eval` in the model. Which of the other two variables (`cls_students` or `cls_perc_eval`) is least likely to be effective in increasing the model's predictive power? ] <img src="w9_d1-model-selection_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="2100" /> --- ## Full model ```r full_model <- lm(score ~ cls_did_eval + cls_students + cls_perc_eval, data = evals) glance(full_model)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.03839408 ``` --- ## Step 1: .midi[ ```r # Remove cls_did_eval s1_stu_perc <- lm(score ~ cls_students + cls_perc_eval, data = evals) glance(s1_stu_perc)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.03970295 ``` ] -- .midi[ ```r # Remove cls_students s1_did_perc <- lm(score ~ cls_did_eval + cls_perc_eval, data = evals) glance(s1_did_perc)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.04038255 ``` ] -- .midi[ ```r # Remove cls_perc_eval s1_did_stu <- lm(score ~ cls_did_eval + cls_students, data = evals) glance(s1_did_stu)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.02206412 ``` ] --- .question[ Given the following adjusted R-squared values, which model should be selected in step 1 of backwards selection? ] .pull-left[ .midi[ ```r # full model glance(full_model)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.03839408 ``` ```r # remove cls_did_eval glance(s1_stu_perc)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.03970295 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .midi[ ```r # remove cls_students glance(s1_did_perc)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.04038255 ``` ```r # remove cls_perc_eval glance(s1_did_stu)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.02206412 ``` ] ] -- Removing `cls_students` (number of students in the class) resulted in the highest increase in adjusted R-squared, so the model with only `cls_did_eval` and `cls_perc_eval` (number and percentage of students who completed evaluations, respectively) should be selected. --- ## Step 2: .midi[ ```r # Remove cls_did_eval s2_perc <- lm(score ~ cls_perc_eval, data = evals) glance(s2_perc)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.0321918 ``` ] -- .midi[ ```r # Remove cls_perc_eval s2_did <- lm(score ~ cls_did_eval, data = evals) glance(s2_did)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.001785817 ``` ] -- No further variables should be dropped since dropping any results in a decrease in adjusted R-squared. The model selected in the previous step should be the final model. --- .question[ Given the following adjusted R-squared values, which model should be selected in step 2 of backwards selection? ] .midi[ ```r glance(s1_did_perc)$adj.r.squared # result of step 1 ``` ``` ## [1] 0.04038255 ``` ```r glance(s2_perc)$adj.r.squared # remove cls_did_eval ``` ``` ## [1] 0.0321918 ``` ```r glance(s2_did)$adj.r.squared # remove cls_perc_eval ``` ``` ## [1] 0.001785817 ``` ] --- ## A more realistic view: score ~ lots of variables .question[ What percent of the variability in evaluation scores is explained by the model? ] ```r full_model <- lm(score ~ rank + ethnicity + gender + language + age + cls_perc_eval + cls_did_eval + cls_students + cls_level + cls_profs + cls_credits + bty_avg, data = evals) glance(full_model)$r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.1644867 ``` ```r glance(full_model)$adj.r.squared ``` ``` ## [1] 0.1402959 ``` --- ## Step 1 .question[ Given that the adjusted R-squared of the full model was 0.1403, which of the following models should be selected in the first step of backwards selection? ] .midi[ ``` ## remove adj_r_sq ## 1 Remove cls_profs 0.1421885 ## 2 Remove cls_level 0.1421425 ## 3 Remove cls_students 0.1417647 ## 4 Remove cls_did_eval 0.1412196 ## 5 Remove rank 0.1411639 ## 6 Remove language 0.1394560 ## 7 Remove age 0.1335567 ## 8 Remove cls_perc_eval 0.1327892 ## 9 Remove ethnicity 0.1315133 ## 10 Remove gender 0.1187097 ## 11 Remove bty_avg 0.1167521 ## 12 Remove cls_credits 0.1064995 ``` ] -- Remove `cls_profs` --- ## Step 2 .question[ Given that the adjusted R-squared of the model selected in Step 1 was 0.1422, which of the following models should be selected in the first step of backwards selection? ] .midi[ ``` ## remove adj_r_sq ## 1 Remove cls_level 0.1440303 ## 2 Remove cls_students 0.1436317 ## 3 Remove cls_did_eval 0.1430708 ## 4 Remove rank 0.1430366 ## 5 Remove language 0.1413504 ## 6 Remove age 0.1354409 ## 7 Remove cls_perc_eval 0.1346513 ## 8 Remove ethnicity 0.1329045 ## 9 Remove gender 0.1206375 ## 10 Remove bty_avg 0.1187028 ## 11 Remove cls_credits 0.1078684 ``` ] -- Remove `cls_level` --- ## Step 3 .question[ Given that the adjusted R-squared of the model selected in Step 2 was 0.144, which of the following models should be selected in the first step of backwards selection? ] .midi[ ``` ## remove adj_r_sq ## 1 Remove cls_students 0.1453516 ## 2 Remove rank 0.1449154 ## 3 Remove cls_did_eval 0.1447586 ## 4 Remove language 0.1432499 ## 5 Remove age 0.1373534 ## 6 Remove cls_perc_eval 0.1365490 ## 7 Remove ethnicity 0.1344177 ## 8 Remove gender 0.1225830 ## 9 Remove bty_avg 0.1206257 ## 10 Remove cls_credits 0.1076569 ``` ] -- Remove `cls_students` --- ## Step 4 .question[ Given that the adjusted R-squared of the model selected in Step 3 was 0.1454, which of the following models should be selected in the first step of backwards selection? ] .midi[ ``` ## remove adj_r_sq ## 1 Remove rank 0.1460210 ## 2 Remove language 0.1447503 ## 3 Remove cls_did_eval 0.1438601 ## 4 Remove age 0.1386372 ## 5 Remove ethnicity 0.1351420 ## 6 Remove gender 0.1244633 ## 7 Remove bty_avg 0.1220691 ## 8 Remove cls_perc_eval 0.1216729 ## 9 Remove cls_credits 0.1091898 ``` ] -- Remove `rank` --- ## Step 5 .question[ Given that the adjusted R-squared of the model selected in Step 3 was 0.146, which of the following models should be selected in the first step of backwards selection? ] .midi[ ``` ## remove adj_r_sq ## 1 Remove cls_did_eval 0.1445941 ## 2 Remove language 0.1438720 ## 3 Remove age 0.1413323 ## 4 Remove ethnicity 0.1340933 ## 5 Remove gender 0.1245360 ## 6 Remove bty_avg 0.1218780 ## 7 Remove cls_perc_eval 0.1216266 ## 8 Remove cls_credits 0.1010899 ``` ] -- None, stick with model from Step 4. --- ## Final model ``` ## # A tibble: 9 x 2 ## term estimate ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 (Intercept) 3.41 ## 2 ethnicitynot minority 0.202 ## 3 gendermale 0.177 ## 4 languagenon-english -0.151 ## 5 age -0.00487 ## 6 cls_perc_eval 0.00549 ## 7 cls_did_eval 0.000722 ## 8 cls_creditsone credit 0.524 ## 9 bty_avg 0.0615 ``` --- ## Model selection and interaction effects Model selection for models including interaction effects must follow the following two principles: - If an interaction is included in the model, the main effects of both of those variables must also be in the model. - If a main effect is not in the model, then its interaction should not be in the model. --- ## Other model selection criteria - Adjusted R-squared is one model selection criterion - There are others out there (many many others!), we'll discuss one more in this course, and you'll learn about others in future stats courses --- ## Akaike Information Criterion $$ AIC = -2log(L) + 2k $$ - `\(L\)`: likelihood of the model - Likelihood of seeing these data given the estimated model parameters - Won't go into calculating it in this course (but you will in future courses) - Used for model selection, lower the better - Value is not informative on its own - Applies a penalty for number of parameters in the model, `\(k\)` - Different penalty than adjusted `\(R^2\)` but similar idea ```r glance(full_model)$AIC ``` ``` ## [1] 695.7457 ``` --- ## Model selection -- a little faster `step()` function selects a model by AIC: .midi[ ```r selected_model <- step(full_model, direction = "backward") ``` ```r tidy(selected_model) %>% select(term, estimate) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8 x 2 ## term estimate ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 (Intercept) 3.45 ## 2 ethnicitynot minority 0.205 ## 3 gendermale 0.185 ## 4 languagenon-english -0.161 ## 5 age -0.00501 ## 6 cls_perc_eval 0.00509 ## 7 cls_creditsone credit 0.515 ## 8 bty_avg 0.0650 ``` ] --- ## AIC comparison ```r glance(full_model)$AIC ``` ``` ## [1] 695.7457 ``` ```r glance(selected_model)$AIC ``` ``` ## [1] 687.5712 ``` --- ## Parsimony .pull-left[ .question[ Take a look at the variables in the full and the selected model. Can you guess why some of them may have been dropped? Remember: We like parsimonous models. ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ | variable | selected | | ------------ | :----------:| | rank | | | ethnicity | x | | gender | x | | language | x | | age | x | | cls_perc_eval| x | | cls_did_eval | | | cls_students | | | cls_level | | | cls_profs | | | cls_credits | x | | bty_avg | x | ] ] --- ## Interpretation .question[ Interpret the slope of `bty_avg` and `gender` in the selected model. ] .midi[ ``` ## # A tibble: 8 x 2 ## term estimate ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 (Intercept) 3.45 ## 2 ethnicitynot minority 0.205 ## 3 gendermale 0.185 ## 4 languagenon-english -0.161 ## 5 age -0.00501 ## 6 cls_perc_eval 0.00509 ## 7 cls_creditsone credit 0.515 ## 8 bty_avg 0.0650 ``` ] -- .midi[ - All else held constant, for each additional point in beauty score, the evaluation score of the professor is predicted to be higher, on average, by 0.06 points. ] -- .midi[ - All else held constant, male professors are predicted to score higher on their evaluation score than female professors by 0.185 points. ]